
The Saltborn (Salt and Sanctuary) Character Blog

  The Saltborn Character Blog (Salt and Sanctuary)   “Failing this mission would surely plunge us into darker days. I awoke to the sounds of waves washing on rock, and I knew I was alive. I must find the princess.” Rumors are spread of sailors, knights and scholars going missing at sea, great storms emerge at night, sending those aboard ships to an icy tomb. For you, the Saltborn, you’re sent out by ship to escort the kingdom’s princess across the sea, however, perhaps the rumors should’ve been listened to. You awake deep at night from a raging storm, the ship is being attacked by marauders and the ship’s guard is being whittled down; the princess hides in fear. You reach the surface of the ship to find a great, icy beast. The Unspeakable Deep, a Kraekan Beast from the sea, has come to drown the ship in the endless dark ocean. You try your hardest to slay the beast, but to no avail; you lose consciousness, your vision goes white. You awake to the sounds of waves upon rock, you...